It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end. Time sure flies, huh? This year has been full of sweet blessings for me and Andyman.
I graduated from WGU in April with my bachelors degree in Elementary Education. After three years of hard work, much of which was done late at night and on the weekends, it was an answered prayer to complete my schooling. I made the decision not to travel to Utah for the graduation ceremony, so I checked the mailbox EVERY day to see if the diploma had arrived. The day it did arrive, I sat in the driveway crying while holding a very expensive piece of paper in my hands that said I was a graduate. (One of three times during this past year that I found myself alone and crying in my driveway.)
In May, Anna Kate joined our family. She is just a doll, and we couldn't love her any more! Having a baby with us again just seems right. Watching the kiddo's play with her is just the sweetest thing ever.
Graduate school? Yes, I decided to get my Masters Degree! With years of on line classes, I really wanted to be back in the classroom. I wrestled with the decision for a while, but I'm currently attending Union University with a great group of ladies. I promise, I'm stopping after this - I'm not Dr material! ;)
The second time I sat in the driveway and cried. . . let's just say . . . my name is now Hall, not Frizzell. I hate the way it looks, but believe me, this is a blessing. I know that God removed me from a very dangerous situation. Enough about this!
The day my teaching licenses arrived in the mail, you guessed it - I cried again! I worked so hard to have my licenses. Tears of joy flowed as I kept reading the papers over and over again. Truly, I know that I would have never earned the licenses without the help of God every step of the way!
The most wonderful blessing this year was my sweet son and niece being baptized! Andy and Gracie were both baptized this fall at the youth retreat. It was the sweetest thing to witness. I have prayed for Andy to love truth since the day he was born. He is a good kid, and I'm so thankful! He really wants to do the right thing in all that he does.
Yes, we are blessed!