When I found out that I was going to have a baby, well - let's just say that it was a shock! I was told that I would probably never have any children. My heart was broken, but I was willing to accept whatever God had planned. Until one day. . .
I was feeling really bad, ya know - I had an ear ache! Yes, an ear ache. Momma was really worried about me so she came one afternoon to my house and insisted that I go to the doctors office. I'm not sure, but I think she had some kind of idea of what was really wrong with me. (Most mothers just know these things, right?!)
When we got to the doctors' office, the nurses were teasing me about taking a pregnancy test. I had to do it every time I went, and we all knew that it would be negative. I did what they asked, and was waiting patiently in my room for them to come back, tell me that it was negative, and get this show on the road. Well, that's not what happened!
All of the sudden, all of the nurses in the office were at my door! They were all giggling and one of the nurses had her hand over her mouth. You can't imagine my reaction! I hyperventilated - I did!! They were shoving paper bags to my mouth and telling me to breath. One nurse kept laying me down on the table, for some strange reason, and I would just sit back up! This happened over and over! I was trying to talk, which you can't really do when you are hyperventilating! I wanted them to go get my mother who was in the waiting room! Finally, they understood! The next thing I know, Momma was standing in the doorway just grinning from ear to ear!
My life changed that day! Me with a baby?! I was not prepared. I had never even held a newborn baby!
During the entire pregnancy, I prayed that my baby boy would have a big heart! I had no idea how badly he would need one at the time, I just knew that he did. God heard my prayers - Andy has the biggest heart of anyone I know! He is kind, gentle, and loves EVERYBODY! His life is not picture perfect. He has experienced lots of heartache in several different ways. Yet, he trusts in God and loves truth. He is a special little boy, with plenty of love to go around.
We are blessed!
Sweet story! It made me tear up! It's funny how God answers our little prayers in HIS own ways just to let us know HE did it!