I didn't want to quit work, so I researched on line schools. What an ordeal! Let me say, not all on line schools are created equal! ;) After talking to the state about what schools they would accept a degree from, I chose to go through Western Governors University. The school is considered to be an accelerated adult program, and let me tell you - it is just that! Compeleting this program has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I've worked full time and gone to school full time for the past three years. Many of my nights and weekends have been consumed with research, reading, and writing. Too many times I've heard, "Momma, can you just stop working for a little while?" Of course that's hard to turn down, and so many times I've had to stay up late working after putting him to bed. On the weekends that he has been with his Dad, I've spent countless hours working to just keep my head above water! Managing to keep the house clean, laundry done, and food to eat has been fun. Let's just say I've learned to be creative! In just a few weeks, this will all come to an end. What will it be like to be a normal family? (Okay, alright - I know, we are NOT a normal family!)
In the final stages of student teaching, I've had to submit some video's of myself doing what I love best, teaching. The first video I turned in was of a math lesson. I hated to turn it in because I felt like it wasn't my best, but I was up against a deadline so I sent it in. The next day I received an e-mail from my teacher with many kind words about my teaching. I was humbled by her comments. She asked if she could share my video with other students. I reluctantly agreed not knowing that I would have to watch my own video during a conference call with other fellow teachers working as I am. The next day she called me back and told me that she had shared my video with her colleges, again with many kind words complimenting my work.
I'm writing all of this not to brag, but rather to give credit where credit is due. Earning my degree has been a commitment I made to God several years ago. If I've ever been sure of anything, it's that this is what I'm suppose to do. Working at Dayspring is an honor, for I know that this school belongs to God. I pray often that he lead my mind and heart so that I can give my "kiddo's" what they need. It is important to me that they get my best! I want them to achieve all that they are capable of, and then some. I also want to make sure that I'm being a good example to them. They watch my every move all day long. I want to make sure that they see God's love in me.
When I heard the things that this nice lady had said to me, I wanted to burst out in tears because I know that he hears my prayers! Yes, friends, I am blessed beyond words!
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