Sunday I walked 6 miles. Well, actually, 6.5 miles. I walked a little extra to cool down before I stopped for the day. I found my groove during the 2nd mile, and it was all good after that. I felt great when I was done, but a few hours later. . .well, let's just say my body was screaming! I think my two little toes may be a different shape by the time this is all over. ;)
The beautiful thing about all of this is that I'm getting to spend some time with people that I wouldn't have had otherwise. Kellye is walking with me one or two times a week, but come on. . .she has to - she's my sister, right?! No, seriously, I'm so thankful for the time I get to spend with her, walking or not! Sandy B. is walking with me a couple of times a week also. She is just great! On Sundays, Jami N. and Tina S. are walking with me. They are so supportive of my "self-challenge" to complete the marathon. It is truly a blessing to be able to spend time with such amazing people! If any of you ladies are reading this - I love you! Thanks for doing this with me. Oh, and Jennifer H., I know that you are with me in spirit. I'll walk with you soon!
I may be getting older, and my body may be screaming at me for this, but I AM BLESSED!
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