This having fun thing - yeah, it's great! I'm so glad that I have come to a point in my life that I can allow myself to do silly things and enjoy time with great friends. Of course, most of the silly things that I end up doing is because of Jen, but that's another story all together! :)
We have been planning this mini trip to Alabama for months. The Color Run is said to the be most fun 5K in America. Now, we did this race in the pouring down rain. I'm not talking about sprinkling rain, I'm talking about a really good rain!! Do you think this stopped us from having fun? NO!!!!! There wasn't much running (we all know I walk/jog anyway) but we stuck together and laughed the whole time. I'm pretty sure that Suttle even did a little slip and slide at one color stop! :)
When we, and the other nine thousand people there, decided to leave we were faced with a challenge. The field we all parked in was solid mud! Let's just say that my new, white Hyundai can mud quite well. I hope to get my hands on the video of Harrison and Suttle pushing the car as I inched our way through lots and lots of mud leaving our racing friends behind.
The car ride there and back was just as fun as the actual race! (Sandy, since I love you so very much, I won't insert the video of your solo here! You can thank me later.) We laughed, sang, and danced our way down the interstate. We even talked about our next adventure - details to come soon.
Pre race dinner at Olive Garden |
Before the race in our adorable tu tu's! |
After the race - yeah, we were a little painted! |
We never go ANYWHERE with Jen that we don't make new friends!!! |
My race number and painted tu tu. |
Smart cookies with trash bags on so we don't ruin my car! |
Just a recap! |
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