It is such a beautiful day! Crazy world ~ ice storm last week and 70 and sunny this week!
Spring Break is a great time for me to get away for a few days and chill. Kellye and the girls couldn't join us, so I brought a couple of Andy's buddies to the cabin. I had to BEG them to go on a hike this morning, but once I got them out there it was awesome. I found a book for Chris (I promise you will get it - only slightly used now) about some Scavenger Hikes in the Smokies. The boys thought it was so cool to look for the clues as we walked the trails. They actually wanted to do another short hike after we finished the first one! :) In total, we only hiked about three miles today but the boys sure thought it was more. We had a blast. . .
Andy, Derek, and Jacob This is a super old and neat bridge on one of the trails we hiked today. |
You can't tell from this picture, but Mom and I are sitting on a huge rock right in the middle of a beautiful creek! :) Sweet memories made today!
I just love my momma! |
Look - I climbed over the rocks to the middle of the creek! |
Andyman is getting so big. |
We hiked to an old cabin. It was super neat! |
We "clued" our way to a place that was once an old homestead. You could see what was once their landscaping, their garden area, everything. . . It was sooo neat! But, when I found this patch of buttercups in bloom ~ I was happy! LOVE IT!!!!!
Buttercups. . .I found buttercups! Now I'm happy!!!! |
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