Last week (yes, I've held this for a week - aren't you impressed?) Chris came to eat lunch with me at school. The kids saw me sneak a hug before he left and the following happened when we returned to class. Are you ready for this?
As soon as we were back in our classroom and the door shut behind us I heard, "Ms. Hall likes Mr. Chris!" I just kind of ignored them thinking it would pass quickly. WRONG! By the time we were settled in our 'Reading Cafe' for read-aloud time, I could hear their whispers getting louder and louder. Just then I heard, "Ms. Hall is getting married!" I just grinned and acted like I didn't understand what they were talking about. I was all ready to start reading when I heard a certain little girl (cough, cough - little Stephanie) say, "Ms. Hall is going to have a BABY!!!!!!!!!" I jumped into the conversation and said, "I haven't said ANYTHING about getting married and I'm NOT having a baby!" This same little girl replied, "Well, that's what my momma did. She got married and had two babies!!" I couldn't help but laugh a little and then told her, "Well, I am not having a baby!" She very quickly responded with, "How do you know that?!?!?!?" I told her, and the rest of the class, that rumors were going to get started and that we needed to read our book. She wouldn't let it go and asked me again how I knew I wasn't going to have a baby. I said, "(Insert child's name here), I am too old to have babies!"
Now, I thought I had ended the whole conversation here, but after a little bit of thought another sweet student (cough, cough - Tiffany) blurted out, "Well, if you're too old to be having babies then you are going to RETIRE!!!!!" With this, another student began to cry saying that wasn't true and that I would be with her until she was in the 12th grade.
Shew. . .the most chaotic 2 minutes of my entire teaching career! I just wonder what they all went home and told their parents! :/ I'm thinking I shouldn't be hugging anymore!
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