I can vividly remember getting a message from Chris via Facebook and thinking - yeah, right, he has NO idea what he is asking for! Why would this sweet boy from school be interested in me? And, really, would he understand my life and what is most important to me - my walk with God? I, of course, kindly turned him down thinking I would never hear from him again. It wasn't long until he was messaging me every day, asking all of the right questions, and making me wonder if he was for real! It didn't take me long to decide that he
WAS for real and
EXACTLY what I had been praying for.
Here we are. . . elated and planning our 'happily ever after'! Both of us are walking on cloud nine to have this chance of a home filled with love and joy. It is such a blessing to know that our home will be sanctioned by YHWH and HE will be here with us. Our new home is not about the stuff, but about the peace, love, and joy that we both have so desperately wanted for so long.
We've decided to have a private ceremony on
4th of July. :) No big party or reception, no frills or anything fancy, just us and our immediate families. It will be a sweet day of red, white, blue, and
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