The worst part of earning my Master's Degree is that I have to go to school on Saturdays. I really don't like it when the alarm clock starts singing on my day off, but it won't last forever. :) Anyway, today was the first class for "Literacy Across the Curriculum". Dr. G started the class by explaining that in order to truly teach literacy to our students, we need to know about them, their personal lives, and their prior knowledge. Makes sense, right? She gave this great example of writing a poem entitled "I Am From" that would give us great insight into our students' lives. Then she dropped the bomb - we had to write one and SHARE IT! So, here it is. . .
I Am From
by Heather Hall
I am from Mom's well used Bible, chiming grandfather clocks,
and unique antique furniture with stories to tell.
I am from phone booths that really work, a claw-foot bathtub never used,
and a home overflowing with love.
I am from grapevines with sweet treats, trampolines,
and my favorite place to be alone - the pond.
I am from where everybody knows you whether you know them or not,
and childhood friendships that last forever.
I am from Ma and Pa, Granny, a precious church family,
and Acts 2:38.
I am from, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"
and every nights line, "Is your homework done yet?"
I am from Mom's famous meatloaf and banana ice cream
and family meals around the table every night of the week.
I am from album after album with thousands of photos
turned in to new scrapbooks with precious memories to treasure!