
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Our night in the safe room

My dad was insistent that I build a "Safe Room" in my house.  Josh and Kellye were living just down the road at the time and he wanted a safe place for us to all be if and when a storm came through.  (Yeah, I know what you're thinking. . .WOW!)  He made sure that it was large enough for all of us and he made it VERY CLEAR that he did not want me to crowd it with storage - it was for a SAFE ROOM and nothing else!  Well, I do have some storage in there but make I make sure that there is always enough room for us if we should need to use it.

Tuesday night was the first time that I felt like I absolutely HAD to go to the safe room!  Andy and I made our way downstairs with blankets and pillows and camped out for a while.  We didn't have any electricity and it was pitch black!  I grabbed my phone so I could check on Mom, Dad, and Kellye and it doubled as a flashlight (aren't smart phones great?).

As we sat there listening to the loudness of the storm, I couldn't help but wonder how Josh must have felt and what he must have been thinking when he knew the storm was coming.  Kellye and the girls were with me at my house that day and I vividly remember him calling to make sure that we were all together and safe.  I will never forget him telling her. . ."I've got to go - I can see it coming."  Kellye and I did not go to the safe room that day - we stayed in Andy's room and watched the news. We watched as the storm entered Gallatin and knew that it had hit Vol State.  Well, the rest of the day (and the weeks to follow) is pretty much a blurr with intermittent memories. 

I do have a list of things I want to add to the safe room . . .
  • metal door on the entrance
  • battery powered radio
  • battery powered lantern
  • emergency lights in the garage

Yesterday I got out to see how much damage there was  and I know that God put a hedge around our house Tuesday night.  Just across the field there are a few barns badly damaged and in the opposite direction there are trees and power lines destroyed.  I am thankful for his shielding hand. . .WE ARE BLESSED!
Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!


Today is my parents' 42nd Wedding Anniversary.  Just like all couples who have made a marriage last this long, they have an incredible love story to tell.  They have climbed mountains and made their way through  valleys the past 42 years making them stronger as a team and as individuals.  Their love for each other is rooted in their faith in God and serving him comes first in their lives.  

Growing up, my mother always had dinner ready when Daddy got home.  We would wait for Daddy to get home and then  sit around the table and usually laugh at Josh for being so silly.  I never remember a dirty dish being in the sink or dirty clothes in the laundry basket.  It always amazed me, and still does, that she can magically get things done! :)

Daddy worked hard to make sure that Josh and I had what we needed and what we wanted.  He was firm with us about how we behaved and taught us to always put God first!  He is the most generous person I know - making sure that EVERYONE around him is taken care of.  

Together they are an amazing couple that spend their time and energy taking care of each other, their kids and grand-kids, and working for YHWH. I couldn't have better parents!! 

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!  Love you - bunches, more, too, promise!   


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Leave It To Andy

Last night I found Leave It To Beaver on Netflix.  Andy and I sat down and enjoyed an episode or two and giggled and laughed at Beaver.  We watched as June cooked meals and cleaned the house in her dress and pearls,  waited by the front door with lunch prepared for the boys as they were ready to walk to school, and took care of her family with love and concern.  Andy noticed the converse tennis shoes (just like the ones I recently bought for him) and even the very 50's looking jacket Beaver was wearing (which he now wants).

After just a little while he said, "Momma,  that is the life right there!"   I smiled and thought about how right he was! Don't misunderstand -  I don't want to clean house in a dress and pearls, nor do I wish to hoover a stove cooking three meals a day, but I do wish that life was a little more simple.  As much as I LOVE my job, I do wish that I could be that stay-at-home mom for Andy.  I suppose God has another plan so here we are in our own version of . . .

  "Leave It To Beaver Andy"   

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How sweet it is!

It is hard to believe that my baby boy is old enough to be going on retreats with the youth group from church.  It's even harder to believe that I'm old enough to go as a cook! ;)  All I know is that I'm so glad that I was able to go and be a part of such a special weekend.  Every mother prays that her son grows into a man of God - what I saw this weekend is indeed an answered prayer and I'm so very thankful.  I hope that Andy continues to grow and spend his entire life serving God. 

If I could attach a song to this past weekend it would be. . . "There's a sweet, sweet spirit in this place, and I KNOW that it's the spirit of YHWH.  There's a sweet expression on each face, and I KNOW that it's the spirit of YHWH!"  It was the SWEETEST thing I do believe I have ever seen  and felt - such sweet peace and love!


My Ashley and Kevin! <3

Such sweet expressions!

Andy watched Kevin and played along with EVERY song!

Precious memory

Megan (one of my best friend's daughter) is such a sweetheart.  
I am so proud of the young lady that she has become!

Ashley and I stopped to get a pic on our way up to see Laurel Falls.

We were at the top Laurel Falls.

What a special group of young people! 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Plans to give you hope and a future!

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares  YHWH, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

So the past few weeks have been a struggle for me.  I am admitting this out loud as to tell on the devil.  Perhaps if I have the guts to call him out on it he will have no choice but to leave me alone.

It is a hard pill to swallow when your mother scolds you at 38 years old. (Oops, did I just admit my age?)  As I sat in my car and cried like an over-emotional teenage girl last weekend, my mother (through her tears) firmly told me that I had to get a grip ~  life is not fair, things are hard, circumstances are what they are! I know that she is right.  Life is not always fair but we have to be strong enough to take the bad with the good. 

I have had one of those moments (that's lasted WAY longer than a literal moment) that I just wish I didn't have to deal with my reality for a little while.  Crazy - I know!  The stress of being a single mother can be overwhelming at times.  I have to fight off the jealousy that creeps into my heart when I see families together.  YHWH has provided every need that Andy and I have had, yet I continue to allow myself to be burdened with the bad.

We all have battles to fight, we wouldn't be worth a toot (yes, I just used the word toot) if we didn't.  As I sat and cried with a friend on the phone tonight (are you seeing a pattern here with all the crying?) I was reminded that I am NOT alone.  I have a support system of precious people who love me and  help carry my load even when I'm not able to see it.

 I keep going back to the scripture . . .  "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I don't want prosperity in the form of things, I want to be full of love and compassion with a heart that will be able to help others who feel like I do today.   I can't do this until I "get a grip" and learn to be content.  One day, YHWH is going to give me the desires of my heart - he promised he would, but for now I am going to keep on fighting this battle as best I can.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Wait a minute. . .apple cider vinegar?

One of my rewards for walking/jogging The Color Run last September was a very irritating sore on the bottom of my little toe.  After months of  pain  I am desperate to get rid of the thing!  Everything I've tried has only made it worse, so I thought I would try a natural remedy - Apple Cider Vinegar.  YES, IT IS WORKING!!!!!!!

I can't believe it - my toe is looking semi-normal!  Who would have ever dreamed that something like vinegar would do the job?  It is not totally healed just yet, but well on its way.  I would show you a picture, but that would be gross and embarrassing so I will spare you the image.

So this has me thinking! How much better off would we be if we used the things God made instead of always relying on man-made substances to fix what ales us?  I am on a mission. . .what other kinds of natural things could I be using?

There are numerous websites and blogs to visit that will tell you all about the uses for Apple Cider Vinegar!  Go, take a look - you will be amazed!!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sunday Afternoons at Grangran and Grandad's House

The kids think that they MUST spend Sunday afternoons at Grangran and Grandad's house.
I'm thankful for their time together creating precious memories!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Not young anymore. . but life goes on!

Well, it happened today. . you know, that moment when you realize that you're just not young anymore!  It was actually a series of events and not just one moment.

 First of all, getting up and getting dressed was difficult this morning!  I think my days of being able to stay up and celebrate a new year are over! ;)  When I did finally drag myself out of bed and attempt to get ready for the day I didn't put on skinny jeans and fancy boots -  I searched my closet for the comfiest pair of jeans and softest t shirt I could find.  I then threw on a sweater - the teachery kind at that!!

Oh, and let's talk about what I saw in the mirror this morning, shall we? I saw gray hair, circles under my eyes, and what seems to be the beginning of a couple wrinkles!  Lovely!!!!!!

At lunch (or was it brunch?) I saw something that really disturbed me.  Andy and I were sitting in Cracker Barrel surrounded by tables of families.  Almost every table had at least one person, some more, with their nose in their phones.  Really people?!?  Okay, so I've been guilty of checking texts and emails while at the table, but seeing it like I did today  appalled  me.  I wanted to get up and explain to them that they were not alone, they had loved ones with them and they should cherish that time and not ignore their families!  Having a meal with someone is a time to talk and make memories, not check your facebook status!

And then. . . this is what really got me, I think!  I took Andy to a friends birthday party.  I ran into Wal Mart to get a gift and realized that Andy was going to a 13th birthday party.  WHAT?  THIRTEEN!!!!  How in the world is my baby going to a teen party?  In just six months we will be celebrating his 13th birthday.  **Okay Heather, just breath. . .it's going to be fine!!**

Driving home tonight it hit me ~ I'm not young anymore!!  Life goes on and we grow and learn with the changes.  Bring on another year!!