One of my rewards for walking/jogging The Color Run last September was a very irritating sore on the bottom of my little toe. After months of pain I am desperate to get rid of the thing! Everything I've tried has only made it worse, so I thought I would try a natural remedy - Apple Cider Vinegar. YES, IT IS WORKING!!!!!!!
I can't believe it - my toe is looking semi-normal! Who would have ever dreamed that something like vinegar would do the job? It is not totally healed just yet, but well on its way. I would show you a picture, but that would be gross and embarrassing so I will spare you the image.
So this has me thinking! How much better off would we be if we used the things God made instead of always relying on man-made substances to fix what ales us? I am on a mission. . .what other kinds of natural things could I be using?
There are numerous websites and blogs to visit that will tell you all about the uses for Apple Cider Vinegar! Go, take a look - you will be amazed!!!!!
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