
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Second Grade Work :)

One of the things I've learned about teaching a small class is that they LOVE for me to "create" along with them.  While working on our latest project, an autobiography, we sat around our table and worked together creating one page at a time.

The first thing I asked them to do was to bring in five pictures (ranging in age from birth to now) that were important to them and we made a timeline :)  Then the writing began!  I made them a "sloppy copy" booklet to use for their rough draft and placed it in a large baggy with a snazzy colored pen for revising and, of course, their pictures and timeline.  Each day we would write one page of our autobiographies.  Once everyone had a chance to get down their thoughts we would share our writing - I would ALWAYS go first.  Together we would talk about how my writing could be better and I would make changes with my snazzy pen.  :)  We would then go around the table with each student sharing their writing and others offering great suggestions.  Students would take their classmate's suggestions and consider what changes, if any, needed to take place and then do as they thought best!  They didn't even realize that we were revising our writing! Once we had our stories complete, we exchanged colored pens and began editing - checking for spelling, punctuation, etc. . .  

Needless to say, everyone's autobiographies turned out GREAT!  We had to have some sort of special book ~ we couldn't have such great writing and not have an awesome presentation to go with it.    So. . .  this is what we made.  (I wish you could see their writing - AWESOME!!)

This is my second grade work! ;)