
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bucket List!

So, thanks to Jen, I've been thinking about my "Bucket List". I know I'm not normal, and my list probably wont look like anyone elses, but here goes. . .

1. See my son grown into a man who serves God with his whole heart and soul!
2. Live a life that God will be pleased with EVERY step of the way
3. Take my parents on vacation instead of them taking me on one
4. Teach to the best of my ability for as long as God allows me to
5. Graduate with a Master's Degree in Education with a 4.0
6. Grow old with someone

and a few things that really don't matter. . .

7. Walk a marathon
8. Fly a glider
9. Learn to sew
10.  Dance more!
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Tears in the driveway

It's hard to believe that another year is coming to an end.  Time sure flies, huh?  This year has been full of sweet blessings for me and Andyman.

 I graduated from WGU in April with my bachelors degree in Elementary Education.  After three years of hard work, much of which was done late at night and on the weekends, it was an answered prayer to complete my schooling.   I made the decision not to travel to Utah for the graduation ceremony, so I checked the mailbox EVERY day to see if the diploma had arrived.  The day it did arrive, I sat in the driveway crying while holding a very expensive piece of paper in my hands that said I was a graduate.  (One of three times during this past year that I found myself alone and crying in my driveway.)

In May, Anna Kate joined our family.  She is just a doll, and we couldn't love her any more!  Having a baby with us again just seems right.  Watching the kiddo's play with her is  just the sweetest thing ever.

Graduate school?  Yes, I decided to get my Masters Degree!  With years of on line classes, I really wanted to be back in the classroom.  I wrestled with the decision for  a while, but I'm currently attending Union University with a great group of ladies.  I promise, I'm stopping after this - I'm not Dr material! ;)

The second time I sat in the driveway and cried. . . let's just say . . . my name is now Hall, not Frizzell. I hate the way it looks, but believe me, this is a blessing.  I know that God removed me from a very dangerous situation.  Enough about  this!

The day my teaching licenses arrived in the mail, you guessed it - I cried again!  I worked so hard to have my licenses.  Tears of joy  flowed as I kept reading the papers over and over again.  Truly, I know that I would have never earned the licenses without the help of God every step of the way!

The most wonderful blessing this year was my sweet son and niece being baptized! Andy and Gracie were both baptized this fall at the youth retreat.  It was the sweetest thing to witness.  I have prayed for Andy to love truth since the day he was born.  He is a good kid, and I'm so thankful!  He really wants to do the right thing in all that he does.

Yes, we are blessed!

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The worst part of earning my Master's Degree is that I have to go to school on Saturdays.  I really don't like it when the alarm clock starts singing on my day off, but it won't last forever. :)  Anyway, today was the first class for "Literacy Across the Curriculum".   Dr. G started the class by explaining that in order to truly teach literacy to our students, we need to know about them, their personal lives, and their prior knowledge.  Makes sense, right?  She gave this great example of writing a poem entitled "I Am From" that would give us great insight into our students' lives.  Then she dropped the bomb - we had to write one and SHARE IT!  So, here it is. . .

I Am From
by Heather Hall

I am from Mom's well used Bible, chiming grandfather clocks,
and unique antique furniture with stories to tell.

I am from phone booths that really work, a claw-foot bathtub never used,
and a home overflowing with love.

I am from grapevines with sweet treats, trampolines,
and my favorite place to be alone - the pond.

I am from where everybody knows you whether you know them or not,
and childhood friendships that last forever.

I am from  Ma and Pa, Granny, a precious church family,
and Acts 2:38.

I am from, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"
and every nights line, "Is your homework done yet?"

I am from Mom's famous meatloaf and banana ice cream
and family meals around the table every night of the week.

I am from album after album with thousands of photos
turned in to new scrapbooks with precious memories to treasure!

Monday, October 17, 2011

In God's Time

The past few months I've had a hard time understanding why life has to be so hard. Last night, as I was yet again trying to make sense of things, I realized that it's not mine to understand. This is God's business. He knows what's best for me and Andy. As difficult as life can get, I do trust that He has a bigger plan than I can see. I'm putting my trust in God and waiting for his time!
Sunday, October 9, 2011

One more time?!

As Kellye and I watched the kiddo's on the beach today we couldn't help but wonder if this just might be the last time all three of them would be willing to hold hands and jump the waves together! For them to be so close is truly a blessing, but as the teen years approach I'm afraid that the simple joys might turn into more "grown up" activities - like jet skis! (Oh my!!)

The first time we took them to the beach Caroline was just a baby! She refused to touch the sand. Andy and Gracie spent hours digging in the sand and running up and down the beach. The next year, Caroline decided to touch the sand and Gracie and Andy decided to jump the waves. Gracie wanted Grandad to hold her hand as she squealed and jumped each wave - and you know he did so with a huge grin on his face. He held her hand for what seemed like hours one year - her jumping and jumping and jumping! ;)

Andy thinks that he HAS to run on the beach. Of course, he ran today just as soon as his feet hit the sand. One day down and 6 to go on this adventure!

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

First Day of Graduate School

I was up early this morning! I had enough time to cook some breakfast (a boiled egg and some coffee) and spend some time on the back porch reading and studying notes from Wednesday night's church service. Chet Atkins instrumentals played on the kitchen radio. Yes, it was a calm and peaceful morning. It was my first day of graduate school - what a perfect way to start off a new adventure!
The decision to go to graduate school has been a tough one. I've wrestled with the idea for a while, thinking that I wouldn't do it. Let's be honest, the reasons not to do it are plenty: single mother with little spare time, high demands at work, cost, and the fear of not being smart enough! But as I prayed and thought about it more, I began to see some positives: the opportunity to make me a better teacher, learning about how other teachers teach, spending time in a constructive manner, making new friends, and (hopefully) setting an example for Andy to work hard and be the best that he can be.
I had a great time today! I realize that this isn't going to be easy, but if it makes me a better teacher, then it will be worth it.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Andy loves playing his guitar! This past Tuesday was his first recital. I was so proud of him. I couldn't help but cry while he was giving his peformance.

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Friday, May 13, 2011

One of my favorite things in the world is when a student comes to me and has read a new book (all on their own) and wants to share it . Recently, one of my sweet students brought a novel to me and said, "You just have to read this book! Will you read it aloud to the whole class?"Of course I had to make sure that it was appropriate to read, but once that was done, I agreed.
Every day after lunch we gather on the rug for read aloud time. This is not our regular reading time, but rather a calm and relaxing time of day that I read to them. It's amazing how this small part of our day has enhanced our classroom! My students can't wait to claim their spot on the rug and listen to our current read aloud novel. Some of the stories we've read have sparked unbelievable conversations. Talk about some real character ed going on!!!!!
Anyway. . .the title of this novel that was brought to me was The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo. (She is the author of Because of Winn-Dixie.) I could immediately tell that this was going to be one of those "cliff hanger" books for my kiddo's. Every day they would beg for me to keep on reading, even at the cost of losing some recess time. As I read, I wondered if they were truly "getting" what the story was all about. The underlying theme was deep in nature.
Several days into the novel, one of my students proclaimed to the class that he didn't completely understand something about the story. To my delight, another student jumped in and totally explained the correlation that he was not connecting together. She may have even explained it better than I could have! My heart swelled up with pride! Wow ~ they got it! They, the entire class, understood the "deeper meaning" of the story.
Now, the crazy thing is, I'm convinced that the story was for me. It was about the heart of someone that been broken - experienced love, loss, and had found a way to love again!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sweet, sweet day!

Today has been a day full of sweet surprises! This morning at church, my precious church family had a surprise graduation ceremony for me. I was so touched, that all I could do was cry! (I'm sure that someone has some pictures that will be shared.)
I thought I was going to a graudation party for Jon this afternoon. He thought he was going to a party for me. . .thus the picture! Kellye was explaining to us what was going on! Jon and I were both surprised!
Our friends and family "roasted" us for a little bit, and then we had a bbq meal. I must say, my "roasts" were much sweeter than Jon's! ;) Our cakes were so cute! " She may be slow. . . but she finished!"
I am so thankful for my family and friends that shared this special day with me! I love all of you!
I am blessed!

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Monday, February 28, 2011

Doing what I love - teaching!

As many of you know, I will be graduating soon. I've worked hard to achieve this goal, and its been a long road. I've been privileged to be able to do what I love while obtaining my degree. I had my associates degree when I was asked to teach at a small home school umbrella school. When the home school portion closed and a private school opened, I was asked to stay on and continue teaching. The school applied for accreditation thinking that the process would take up to five years, giving me ample time to obtain my degree. We were blessed to earn our accreditation quickly, which meant that I had to earn my degree as soon as possible. The association of which we are accredited was very kind and allowed me to teach as long as I could show that I was working towards my degree.

I didn't want to quit work, so I researched on line schools. What an ordeal! Let me say, not all on line schools are created equal! ;) After talking to the state about what schools they would accept a degree from, I chose to go through Western Governors University. The school is considered to be an accelerated adult program, and let me tell you - it is just that! Compeleting this program has been the hardest thing I've ever done. I've worked full time and gone to school full time for the past three years. Many of my nights and weekends have been consumed with research, reading, and writing. Too many times I've heard, "Momma, can you just stop working for a little while?" Of course that's hard to turn down, and so many times I've had to stay up late working after putting him to bed. On the weekends that he has been with his Dad, I've spent countless hours working to just keep my head above water! Managing to keep the house clean, laundry done, and food to eat has been fun. Let's just say I've learned to be creative! In just a few weeks, this will all come to an end. What will it be like to be a normal family? (Okay, alright - I know, we are NOT a normal family!)

In the final stages of student teaching, I've had to submit some video's of myself doing what I love best, teaching. The first video I turned in was of a math lesson. I hated to turn it in because I felt like it wasn't my best, but I was up against a deadline so I sent it in. The next day I received an e-mail from my teacher with many kind words about my teaching. I was humbled by her comments. She asked if she could share my video with other students. I reluctantly agreed not knowing that I would have to watch my own video during a conference call with other fellow teachers working as I am. The next day she called me back and told me that she had shared my video with her colleges, again with many kind words complimenting my work.

I'm writing all of this not to brag, but rather to give credit where credit is due. Earning my degree has been a commitment I made to God several years ago. If I've ever been sure of anything, it's that this is what I'm suppose to do. Working at Dayspring is an honor, for I know that this school belongs to God. I pray often that he lead my mind and heart so that I can give my "kiddo's" what they need. It is important to me that they get my best! I want them to achieve all that they are capable of, and then some. I also want to make sure that I'm being a good example to them. They watch my every move all day long. I want to make sure that they see God's love in me.

When I heard the things that this nice lady had said to me, I wanted to burst out in tears because I know that he hears my prayers! Yes, friends, I am blessed beyond words!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Visits

I stopped by for a visit with Josh today. The weather was beautiful and who better to share it with than him?

My visits with him are special. I like to take an ice cream treat or cup of coffee with me (depending on the temperature outside). It's peaceful sitting with him up on the hill. More times than not, I spend my time praying. Praying that I can hold on till the end - just as he did.

There was no better example of living a good and decent life! He was determined to do the right thing and serve God to the best of his ability. I leaned on him for support and even guidance at times. When Andy's dad left us, he immediately stepped up to the plate to take care of me and my baby!

I'm blessed to have had such an amazing brother and friend.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A goodbye kiss from my little brother!

For some reason, this picture came to mind today. With the picture, comes a sweet memory. Mom and Dad had planned and given me a wedding every young girl dreams of. We were taking pictures after the ceremony and Josh comes up, completely out of the blue, and gives me a big kiss on the cheek. Of course, the photographer didn't catch it! :) He started shouting, "Do it again, do it again!" He did. Sweet, sweet memories!

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Registering for a baby. . .

Kellye called me yesterday and asked if I wanted to go with her to Babies R Us and register. I had already left the house, planning on running a few errands then heading to school to work for a couple of hours and walking. I wasn't really dressed to be out, but how could I turn down such a great invitation?!

After a tasty lunch, we headed over to the store. Wow! You would think that we had never been in a baby store before. I mean, its only been 10 years since we were first there looking at things for Andy. Gracie was only 9 months behind him! How can there be so many new things? And, why couldn't we find our "favorites" from when the kids were babies? I'm sure that from the dazed look on our faces, people thought we had no idea what we were doing! :)

We left there and went to Lizards and Lace. If you have children and haven't been there, I suggest you do. They have the cutest things! Kellye found Anna Kate's coming home outfit - it's perfect. I bought an adorable newborn cap and bib with her name embroidered on it. I've got this strange feeling that I'll be back to buy more.

Another baby to love . . . we are blessed!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

They'll have to go through me first!

When we told Andy that Aunt Kellye was going to have a new baby, he wasn't very excited! He asked if he would still be his/her cousin just like Grace and Caroline. I think he was a bit concerned that he might lose his place in his Aunt Kellye's heart if she had a boy. But, I think he has come to grips with it now. :)

While we were driving down the road the other day I asked him, "So, how do you feel about Aunt Kellye having a baby now? Are you OK with it?" And this was his answer - "Momma, when Anna Kate goes to kindergarten, I'll be in the 10th grade. If anybody messes with her, they are gonna have to go through me first! I just don't think they'll wanna mess with me!"

That's my boy!!!
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Our first visit with Baylee

Andy and I (along with Aunt Kellye and the girls) went to visit Baylee for the first time today! She is just the cutest little thing ever. The Momma dog was precious and had no problem with us holding Baylee. I had to explain to Andy why we couldn't bring her home today, but he was still sad to leave her. I think he's going to do a good job of taking care of her. Hopefully, she'll be a cuddle bug! :)
Sunday, January 23, 2011

Please God, let him have a big heart!

When I found out that I was going to have a baby, well - let's just say that it was a shock! I was told that I would probably never have any children. My heart was broken, but I was willing to accept whatever God had planned. Until one day. . .

I was feeling really bad, ya know - I had an ear ache! Yes, an ear ache. Momma was really worried about me so she came one afternoon to my house and insisted that I go to the doctors office. I'm not sure, but I think she had some kind of idea of what was really wrong with me. (Most mothers just know these things, right?!)

When we got to the doctors' office, the nurses were teasing me about taking a pregnancy test. I had to do it every time I went, and we all knew that it would be negative. I did what they asked, and was waiting patiently in my room for them to come back, tell me that it was negative, and get this show on the road. Well, that's not what happened!

All of the sudden, all of the nurses in the office were at my door! They were all giggling and one of the nurses had her hand over her mouth. You can't imagine my reaction! I hyperventilated - I did!! They were shoving paper bags to my mouth and telling me to breath. One nurse kept laying me down on the table, for some strange reason, and I would just sit back up! This happened over and over! I was trying to talk, which you can't really do when you are hyperventilating! I wanted them to go get my mother who was in the waiting room! Finally, they understood! The next thing I know, Momma was standing in the doorway just grinning from ear to ear!

My life changed that day! Me with a baby?! I was not prepared. I had never even held a newborn baby!

During the entire pregnancy, I prayed that my baby boy would have a big heart! I had no idea how badly he would need one at the time, I just knew that he did. God heard my prayers - Andy has the biggest heart of anyone I know! He is kind, gentle, and loves EVERYBODY! His life is not picture perfect. He has experienced lots of heartache in several different ways. Yet, he trusts in God and loves truth. He is a special little boy, with plenty of love to go around.

We are blessed!

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

What?? Heather is getting a puppy?

Now, I know that it's hard to believe - but, Andy and I are getting a puppy! Andy has been begging for a dog for a long time. I decided that I would investigate and see what I could learn. I fell in love with the cute little Goldendoodle's, but refused to pay such outrageous prices. A teacher friend of mine had a dog that was about to have a litter of Havapoo puppies - I just couldn't resist. What is a Havapoo? It is a mix of a Havanese and a Toy Poodle.

So, our little girl was born last weekend. We can't wait to go see her in a few days. I'll try to post some pics of first visit. :)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This one is for the girls. . .

Just let me say. . . I went to school with the best group of friends ever! We graduated ??? years ago (if you think I'm giving you that number, you are sadly mistaken) and we still keep in touch. My girls have been there for me every time I've needed them. They have supported me through good times and bad! I love them all, dearly.

We decided that this spring we are going to walk the Strawberry Stride together. It's a 5K walk/run held in Portland. So, I started training! I've been walking in the gym after school every day. I can't wait for the weather to warm up a little so I can walk outside. :)

This one is for the girls!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow, snow, snow!!

Wow! We just had an unexpected week off of school because of snow! There was just enough snow to make the roads slick, but not really enough to play in. Andy was so disappointed that he couldn't build a snowman. It was so bitterly cold that he really didn't stay out very much. We were able to get out and sight see some - thanks to my Jeep! Yeap, we are truly blessed! :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
These are the three best kids ever! They have a special bond that I don't believe can ever be broken. Andy is protective of the girls and goes out of his way to make sure that they are okay. I think Josh would be proud of all three of them! This picture was taken at the cabin - their favorite place in the world.

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I am blessed with the best mother in the world!

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Andy loves playing the guitar! This is the first year for him to take guitar lessons and he is doing great. He sits around the house playing songs by ear. If he gets a song in his head that he wants to learn, he pulls it up on the net and somehow figures it out! :)

Dixie - Stampede

Mom and Dad took all of us to the Dixie - Stampede last night. The kids LOVED it! We had to keep reminding them to eat. :) When we got in the vehicle to leave Caroline said, "Grandad, that was really fun. I liked it!". Grandads reply. . ."Well, good! I liked it because you liked it!" We are blessed!

Let's give this a try. . .

Life is always changing! You would think that at this point in my life that I would be okay with change, but I'm not. In the midst of yet more change, I thought it would be cool to keep a blog. Andy and I are very blessed, and I want to share those blessings with all of you. My goal is to keep you posted with pictures and video of all of the wonderful things that are happening in our life right now. From bringing our new puppy home to my graduation this spring, I want you to know how thankful we are for all that God has blessed us with. I hope you enjoy our posts. Please leave us comments! ;)