
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Not young anymore. . but life goes on!

Well, it happened today. . you know, that moment when you realize that you're just not young anymore!  It was actually a series of events and not just one moment.

 First of all, getting up and getting dressed was difficult this morning!  I think my days of being able to stay up and celebrate a new year are over! ;)  When I did finally drag myself out of bed and attempt to get ready for the day I didn't put on skinny jeans and fancy boots -  I searched my closet for the comfiest pair of jeans and softest t shirt I could find.  I then threw on a sweater - the teachery kind at that!!

Oh, and let's talk about what I saw in the mirror this morning, shall we? I saw gray hair, circles under my eyes, and what seems to be the beginning of a couple wrinkles!  Lovely!!!!!!

At lunch (or was it brunch?) I saw something that really disturbed me.  Andy and I were sitting in Cracker Barrel surrounded by tables of families.  Almost every table had at least one person, some more, with their nose in their phones.  Really people?!?  Okay, so I've been guilty of checking texts and emails while at the table, but seeing it like I did today  appalled  me.  I wanted to get up and explain to them that they were not alone, they had loved ones with them and they should cherish that time and not ignore their families!  Having a meal with someone is a time to talk and make memories, not check your facebook status!

And then. . . this is what really got me, I think!  I took Andy to a friends birthday party.  I ran into Wal Mart to get a gift and realized that Andy was going to a 13th birthday party.  WHAT?  THIRTEEN!!!!  How in the world is my baby going to a teen party?  In just six months we will be celebrating his 13th birthday.  **Okay Heather, just breath. . .it's going to be fine!!**

Driving home tonight it hit me ~ I'm not young anymore!!  Life goes on and we grow and learn with the changes.  Bring on another year!!


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