
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Kindness Matters

Andy and I had a "Date Night" Friday night.  I took him to the Grand Ole Opry at the Ryman to see Josh Turner.  To our surprise, Riders In The Sky were there too!

Of course we made friends with the sweet family sitting next to us.  They were a special set of grandparents from Alabama who brought their 17 year old grandson there for his birthday.  They had driven down for the day and were having a blast!

Now, we didn't have really good seats.  Okay, okay, we had really BAD seats.  We were on the very end and couldn't see much at all!  My sweet Andy didn't complain - he was a real sweetheart about it.  Josh Turner was scheduled to come out during the last thirty minutes of the show.  Just before it was his turn to perform the sweet gentleman beside us leaned over and said, "Son, you and I are going to switch seats!  You get up and come over to my seat so you can see."  I tried to talk him out of it but he said to me, "Ma'am, I'm a Granddad - I know what I'm doing!"  :)   Thank you sir, you made my kid's night!

Kindness Still Matters!  


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